Publish on 50 websites & : Lifestyle Publish on 50 websites & : Lifestyle en Copyright 2023 PSNN & All Rights Reserved. Health First: 8 Reasons Why Prompt Check&Ups Are Essential Health First: 8 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Prompt Health Check-Ups

In the maze of life's responsibilities, it's easy to lose sight of our most precious asset—our health. Amidst the demands of work, family, and personal pursuits, the urgency of regular health check-ups often takes a backseat. However, delving deeper into the significance of these check-ups unveils a multitude of reasons why they should be prioritized without delay.

  1. Preventive Measures for Long-Term Health: The adage "prevention is better than cure" holds true in the realm of body care. Regular check-ups serve as a proactive measure to identify potential issues before they escalate into serious concerns. By addressing minor issues early on, you can avoid the need for more extensive and invasive treatments later.
  2. A Comprehensive Health Snapshot: check-ups offer a comprehensive overview of your current health status. From vital signs like blood pressure and cholesterol levels to screenings for diseases such as diabetes and cancer, these evaluations provide valuable insights into your overall well-being. Armed with this information, you and your healthcare provider can develop a targeted plan to optimize your health.
  3. Timely Intervention Saves Lives: Timely detection of problems can be a lifesaver. Many diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular conditions, are more treatable when diagnosed in their early stages. Regular check-ups increase the likelihood of catching these conditions early, thereby improving your chances of successful treatment and recovery.
  4. Peace of Mind Through Proactivity: Adopting a proactive approach to instills a sense of confidence and peace of mind. By staying ahead of potential issues, you can navigate life with greater assurance, knowing that you are actively taking steps to safeguard your well-being. This proactive mindset fosters a positive relationship with your body and empowers you to make informed decisions about your care.
  5. Empowerment Through Education: Knowledge is empowering, particularly when it comes to your body. Regular check-ups provide opportunities to learn more about your body, lifestyle factors that may impact body, and strategies for prevention and management. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed choices that support your long-term body goals.
  6. Efficiency in Healthcare Management: Prevention is not only beneficial for your health but also for the system as a whole. By addressing issues early on, you can reduce the strain on medical resources and minimize the need for costly treatments. Regular check-ups contribute to a more efficient and sustainable healthcare ecosystem.
  7. Setting a Positive Example for Others: Prioritizing your body sets a powerful example for those around you, whether it's your family, friends, or colleagues. By demonstrating the importance of regular check-ups and preventive care, you inspire others to take charge of their body and well-being. Your actions have the potential to create a ripple effect of positive change in your community.
  8. Investment in Long-Term Wellness: Your health is an investment in your future. By prioritizing regular check-ups, you are investing in your long-term wellness and quality of life. These proactive measures lay the foundation for a better, more vibrant future, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest for years to come.

Prompt health check-ups are not just a routine task—they are a vital component of your overall well-being. By embracing the importance of preventive care, timely intervention, and proactive weight management, you can embark on a journey towards optimal health and vitality. Remember, your body is your greatest asset—take the first step towards safeguarding it today.

Screenings provide valuable insights into your individual profile. Armed with this information, professionals can tailor personalized body plans and interventions to address your specific needs and goals. Whether it's optimizing nutrition, increasing physical activity, or managing chronic conditions, personalized care can significantly improve human body outcomes.

Good body is the foundation for a vibrant and fulfilling life. By prioritizing regular check-ups, you are investing in your long-term well-being and quality of life. Catching issues early, managing chronic conditions effectively, and making lifestyle adjustments can all contribute to a healthier, happier you.

must read.

Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:00:31 +0530 shivani
Experts Discuss How Lifestyle Choices Impact Hypertension in Youth In the era of technological advancement, human progress has surged forward, but the shift in lifestyle patterns has made individuals more susceptible to certain lifestyle-related ailments. Unlike the past, health concerns like hypertension are no longer confined to a specific age group; they can strike at any time.

Hypertension, characterized by increased blood pressure within the arteries due to stiffened or hardened blood vessels, places significant strain on the heart. Various factors contribute to hypertension, with advancing age being a significant one. As individuals grow older, a certain level of hypertension becomes more likely.

Dr. Vaibhav Mishra, Director & Head of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, emphasizes that the assumption of young age being immune to hypertension no longer holds true. The modern lifestyle, marked by stress, inadequate sleep, limited physical activity, excessive fast food consumption, and high stress levels, has rendered the youth more prone to hypertension.

Dr. Bharesh Dedhia, Chief of the Department of Critical Care at P D Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Khar, underscores the critical role of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle as primary causes of hypertension (HTN). Research has established a clear link between blood pressure levels in young adults and various dietary and lifestyle factors, encompassing excessive salt and fat intake, obesity, sedentary habits, and insufficient sleep.

Smoking, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption also contribute to hypertension, exacerbating metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and inflammation, which further elevate the risk of HTN and its associated complications. Notably, children with a high birth weight face a heightened risk of elevated blood pressure in youth, although those who transition to a normal weight during their youth do not maintain an elevated risk.

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Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:23:10 +0530 chandni
Rural Poverty Decreases, Yet Lifestyle Challenges Arise NITI Aayog, the public policy think tank, has released an updated Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for India, shedding light on the country's advancements across three equally significant dimensions: health, education, and standard of living. The recently published Progress Review 2023 showcases a significant decrease in the percentage of the population experiencing multidimensional poverty, plummeting from 24.85 percent to 14.96 percent between 2015-16 and 2019-21. This remarkable shift signifies that approximately 135.5 million individuals have transitioned out of poverty during this period.

Concurrently, the Intensity of Poverty (commonly referred to as extreme poverty) has also witnessed a decline, dropping from 47.14 percent to 44.39 percent. This positive development is attributed to targeted development initiatives pursued by both Union and State Governments, in collaboration with other stakeholders.

In rural regions, there has been a substantial surge in the construction of sturdy houses, both "pucca" and semi-pucca. Cellphones, predominantly smartphones, have become nearly ubiquitous. Motorbikes have overtaken bicycles as the prevailing mode of transportation. Village stores are abundantly stocked with a variety of branded consumer goods. Education for girls has gained momentum, while festivities, including weddings, now incorporate DJ systems and videography. These transformations are evident in the aspirational villages within the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, distinctly reflecting a gradual enhancement in the rural economy.

These encouraging shifts align with the findings in the Review, revealing a decline in the poverty rate from 32.59 percent to 19.28 percent in rural areas between 2015-16 and 2019-21. However, while these indicators underscore the progress narrative, certain concerns warrant careful consideration and discussion.

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Mon, 07 Aug 2023 18:47:37 +0530 chandni
'Addressing Lifestyle Disorders: Promoting Health through Individual and Systemic Incentives' A 34-year-old businessman, referred by his general physician, recently visited Dr. Rajiv Kovil's clinic in Mumbai. Dr. Kovil, a diabetologist, regularly treats patients from various walks of life, including a late-night Chinese eatery owner. The patient, despite having no family history of diabetes, was taken aback by his alarming health numbers. His blood pressure measured at 210/110 mmHg, and his sugar levels were at 300 mg/dL—far above the normal ranges of 120/80 mmHg and 140 mg/dL, respectively. Although Dr. Kovil suggested lifestyle changes, the patient chose to seek more tests at different labs, illustrating a prevalent trend of denial among millennials when it comes to health issues. Dr. Kovil notes that many young individuals struggle to accept that conditions like diabetes can affect them, indicating a psychological barrier.

In an era dominated by food delivery apps and remote work setups, modern lifestyles have given rise to an array of health problems, including stress, unhealthy eating habits, disrupted sleep patterns, low physical activity levels, and dependencies on substances and devices. Medical professionals across the nation have observed a significant surge in noncommunicable diseases among young adults, such as early-onset diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, along with post-pandemic issues like abdominal obesity and weight gain. Dr. Shashank Joshi, a consultant endocrinologist, attributes the rise in conditions like sleep apnea and clinical depression to behavioral changes brought about by lockdowns.

In the span of just two years, from 2019 to 2021, the number of diabetics in India rose by 31 million, and the current national tally of 77 million is projected to skyrocket to over 134 million by 2045. The escalation of Type-2 diabetes over the past three decades has notably contributed to the growing prevalence of diabetes among individuals under 40 years old.

While the connection between diabetes and complications like obesity and heart attacks is widely recognized, recent untimely deaths of individuals like 40-year-old Sidharth Shukla and 35-year-old Chiranjeevi Sarja, coupled with incidents of young people collapsing in gyms, parks, and dance floors across India, have shed light on cardiovascular diseases. These diseases account for a quarter of all deaths in the country.

According to the Indian Heart Association, half of all heart attacks in Indian men occur before the age of 50, with a quarter occurring before the age of 40. Overflowing outpatient departments (OPDs) at medical facilities like AIIMS' cardiothoracic and neuro center provide tangible evidence that heart disease strikes Indians a decade earlier than in other parts of the world.

The crisis deepens with the escalating prevalence of hypertension among the young, not only in urban areas but also in rural communities. One in five young adults in India grapples with high blood pressure, surpassing the corresponding figure in the UK. Furthermore, "systemic hypertension," a significant risk factor for heart and cerebrovascular diseases, contributes to 24% of heart attacks and over 10% of deaths in India. Dr. Hemant Gupta, a professor of medicine, attributes the rise in hypertension to stress and the widespread consumption of sodium-rich processed foods.

Hypertension no longer discriminates by age and affects individuals ranging from schoolchildren to the elderly. Dr. Gupta emphasizes that symptoms like anger, irritability, breathlessness, and chest pain are often dismissed.

The impact of lifestyle disorders extends to mental health as well, as highlighted by clinical psychologist and counseling psychotherapist Seema Hingorrany. She points to cases of chronic fatigue syndrome and aches among those in their 30s. These conditions often go undiagnosed due to a lack of prioritization for health testing among individuals aged 30 to 40, who typically pay less attention to their well-being compared to younger and older age groups.

Shifting lifestyles also give rise to certain lesser-acknowledged consequences, including specific types of cancer and infertility. Dr. Anjali Malpani, an infertility specialist, has observed an increasing number of couples in their 30s seeking assistance. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity can impact sexual health and fertility. Extremes in diet and exercise can also have adverse effects, with some women experiencing ovulation issues, while men's sperm motility can be affected by factors like tight underwear or exposure to high temperatures, such as in saunas.

As India navigates these health challenges, addressing lifestyle-related disorders has become a critical imperative, necessitating proactive measures and increased awareness among all age groups.

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Thu, 03 Aug 2023 13:30:57 +0530 chandni
Experts share insights on whether lifestyle tweaks effectively address adrenal PCOS. Adrenal PCOS, a specific form of polycystic ovary syndrome characterized by excess androgen hormone production from the adrenal glands, has been the subject of expert insights. Dr. Tanveer Aujla, a senior consultant at Motherhood Hospitals, explained that the hormonal imbalance resulting from this condition can lead to symptoms such as acne, irregular periods, weight fluctuations, and changes in hair growth patterns.

Dr. Aswati Nair, a fertility consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Delhi, emphasized that PCOS is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, leading to enlarged ovaries with small cysts forming on the outer edges.

Managing the excess male hormones associated with PCOS is crucial in alleviating its challenges, according to Dr. Shwetal Gadhavi, a senior consultant in preventive healthcare at HCG Hospitals, Ahmedabad. She advocated for a multi-faceted approach to tackling the condition, incorporating lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and adopting a balanced diet to regulate hormone levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

While complete control of male hormones may not be attainable, implementing measures such as diet, weight management, stress reduction, medications, and regular monitoring can help manage their effects and improve overall well-being, added Dr. Gadhavi.

Fertility expert Mahesh Jayaraman shared four essential tips for managing adrenal PCOS:

1. Engage in regular exercise, such as a 30-45 minute daily walk, to reduce insulin resistance and lower excess male hormone levels.

2. Adopt a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables while reducing junk food and excessive carb intake.

3. Drink spearmint tea at least twice a day to reduce the production of highly active male hormones. Green tea and ginger tea were also recommended for their antioxidant properties.

4. Eliminate plastics and xenoestrogens, found in food storage and cosmetics, from daily life to mitigate adverse health effects. Dr. Aujla cautioned against the potential harm caused by microplastics and phthalates commonly present in various products.

In conclusion, experts emphasize that addressing adrenal PCOS requires a comprehensive approach that involves lifestyle adjustments and thoughtful dietary choices to manage hormone levels effectively and enhance overall well-being.

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Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:55:07 +0530 chandni
"Promoting Long&Term Wellbeing: Lifestyle Choices That Aid in Managing Chronic Inflammation" Inflammation is a vital defense mechanism used by the body's immune system to protect against harmful stimuli and aid in healing. However, when inflammation persists for an extended period, it can lead to various health issues. Chronic inflammation has been associated with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer. By recognizing its symptoms and adopting preventive measures, one can actively manage chronic inflammation to promote a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation:

Chronic inflammation often presents as persistent, low-grade inflammation throughout the body. While not always visibly apparent, there are common signs to watch out for:

1. Fatigue and lethargy, as chronic inflammation can drain energy levels.

2. Joint discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility, often linked to conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Digestive problems, including bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain due to gut inflammation.

4. Skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis that may be connected to chronic inflammation.

5. Weakened immune system, making individuals more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.

Preventing Chronic Inflammation:

While some factors contributing to chronic inflammation are beyond our control, such as genetics, adopting certain lifestyle choices can help reduce its impact. Here are some effective preventive measures:

1. Prioritize whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while minimizing processed foods, sugary snacks, and refined carbohydrates that may trigger inflammation.

2. Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, as excess body fat, especially around the abdomen, contributes to inflammation.

3. Engage in a variety of physical activities, including cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises, to reduce inflammation.

4. Manage stress through practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or yoga, and find time for hobbies and social connections to promote relaxation.

5. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, as poor sleep can exacerbate inflammation and impact overall health.

6. Eliminate smoking entirely and consume alcohol in moderation, as both smoking and excessive alcohol intake worsen inflammation.

7. Stay adequately hydrated to support the body's natural detoxification processes and overall well-being.

8. Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, chia seeds, walnuts), turmeric, ginger, leafy greens, and berries, as they possess anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to better overall health.

By understanding the nature of chronic inflammation and implementing these preventive measures, individuals can take significant steps towards maintaining their health and well-being in the long term.

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Wed, 26 Jul 2023 13:13:35 +0530 chandni
Reducing Your Risk of Cancer: Lifestyle Changes to Avoid, Including Alcohol and Smoking Cancer, a multifaceted disease with various risk factors, can be influenced by our daily choices. Leading oncologists emphasize that making certain healthy lifestyle changes can significantly decrease the chances of cancer development. Dr. Tapan Singh Chauhan, Senior Consultant in Surgical Oncology, Robotics, GI & HPB at Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon, shares valuable tips to help mitigate this risk.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Obesity has emerged as a prominent risk factor for several types of cancer, including breast, colon, kidney, and pancreatic cancer. By adopting a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, individuals can work towards achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, thereby reducing their cancer susceptibility.

2. Quit Smoking:

Smoking remains one of the most potent carcinogens, contributing to a range of cancers, such as lung, throat, mouth, and esophageal cancers. As per expert advice, quitting smoking is paramount in lowering cancer risk and promoting overall well-being.

3. Protect Yourself from the Sun:

Shielding the skin from harmful UV rays can help prevent skin cancer. Oncologists recommend seeking shade during peak sun hours, wearing protective clothing, and using sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Embracing these sun protection measures is crucial for reducing skin cancer risk.

4. Practice Safe Sexual Habits:

Certain sexually transmitted infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), are linked to an increased risk of developing cervical and other cancers. Practicing safe sexual habits and getting vaccinated against HPV can aid in mitigating this risk.

5. Moderate Alcohol Consumption:

While moderate alcohol intake may have some health benefits, excessive or regular consumption is associated with an elevated risk of various cancers, including breast, liver, mouth, throat, and esophageal cancers. Limiting alcohol consumption can be instrumental in reducing the likelihood of cancer development.

In conclusion, the fight against cancer begins with making simple yet powerful lifestyle changes. By maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, protecting yourself from the sun, practicing safe sexual habits, and moderating alcohol consumption, individuals can proactively lower their cancer risk. Empowering ourselves with this knowledge and embracing these recommendations can pave the way for a healthier and cancer-resistant future.

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Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:14:18 +0530 chandni
West Carrollton Health Center Unveils Comprehensive Services Including Dental Care and Convenient Drive&Thru Pharmacy Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton, a nonprofit healthcare provider, has announced its intention to move its Miamisburg health center to a new location in West Carrollton next year. The organization has developed plans to construct an 11,700-square-foot facility at 630 E. Dixie Drive in West Carrollton, which is approximately 1.5 miles away from the existing Central Alex Health Center.

While a specific timeline for construction remains uncertain, Gregory Hopkins, the executive director, stated that the nonprofit is actively securing funding for the project. According to records from the Montgomery County Auditor's Office, the land for the future West Carrollton health center was purchased last year.

To support the endeavor, the Montgomery County Commission has approved a $250,000 grant for the project. Additionally, Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton has secured nearly $700,000 in federal funding and has requested $1.1 million in congressionally directed funds.

The decision to relocate the health center stems from the nonprofit's aim to serve patients in Miamisburg, West Carrollton, and surrounding communities from a permanent site that is easily accessible via public transportation. Currently, more than 13,000 low-income individuals residing in the two zip codes near the planned center lack access to healthcare services.

The network of health centers operated by Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton welcomes all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Approximately 60% of the network's patients are covered by Medicaid, while 20% are Medicare beneficiaries. Nearly 7% of patients are uninsured.

The upcoming West Carrollton health center will feature 12 examination rooms, a dental suite with a laboratory, a drive-thru pharmacy, a behavioral health space, and more, providing comprehensive services to the community.

Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton operates multiple health centers in Dayton, Miamisburg, and Huber Heights.

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Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:18:41 +0530 chandni
Importation of Cancer Drugs, Respite for Mental Health, and Xylazine Tests To combat the ongoing drug shortages in the United States, the FDA has devised a plan to import cancer drugs from China, as reported by Hill. The agency has recently confirmed its decision to allow the distribution of an additional 10 quantities of the cancer drug cisplatin, manufactured by Chinese pharmaceutical company Qilu Pharmaceutical. While cisplatin is widely used in chemotherapy treatments in the US, the imported product from China has not received official FDA approval.

Rural Retreats Offer Support during National Mental Health Crisis

Amid a nationwide mental health crisis, rural peer retreats have emerged as a valuable source of support, according to Kaiser Health News. These retreats provide a warm and temporary environment for individuals facing mental health crises that do not require immediate medical intervention. Prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, such facilities have sprouted across numerous states in the US. Public health officials view these retreats as promising in terms of enhancing mental health care and mitigating the risks of suicide.

Intensified Testing Aims to Combat Xylazine in Illicit Drug Supply

White House officials have announced their intent to ramp up testing, treatment, and strategies to combat the presence of xylazine, colloquially known as tranq, in illegal opioid substances, as reported by the Associated Press. In April, the combination of xylazine and fentanyl raised significant concerns due to its potential to dangerously reduce heart and breathing rates when consumed by humans. Various bills in Congress aim to restrict the use of xylazine in non-veterinary, non-agricultural contexts while preserving its legitimate applications for tranquilizing horses, sheep, and other animals.

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Wed, 12 Jul 2023 17:51:32 +0530 chandni
US Senator Urges Investigation into Prime, Labeling It a "Significant Health Concern" Controversy surrounds the popular energy drink brand Prime as a US senator has taken action by writing a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), urging them to launch an investigation. The concerns primarily revolve around the drink's impact on the young audience of prominent figures KSI and Paul. In one instance, a school in Wales issued a warning to parents after a student experienced a "cardiac episode" following consumption of Prime.

Democratic US Senator Charles Schumer has voiced his alarm about Prime's caffeine levels and called for an FDA inquiry, stating that the drink poses a significant health risk. The Associated Press reported on July 9, 2023, that Schumer emphasized the need to investigate Prime, given its popularity among children and adolescents who form a significant portion of KSI and Paul's fanbase.

Prime is marketed as an energy drink with no added sugar and contains 200 mg of caffeine per can, surpassing the caffeine content of other popular brands like Red Bull and Monster. The high caffeine concentration has raised concerns, leading schools in the UK and elsewhere to ban its consumption among students. Schumer highlighted the potential confusion between Prime Energy, not recommended for children under 18 as per the website FAQ, and Prime Hydration, which is caffeine-free. Parents, unaware of the distinction, may mistakenly give their children a highly caffeinated beverage.

While it remains to be seen if the FDA will proceed with the investigation, Prime has captured the attention of members of the US Congress, indicating the significance of the issue at hand. Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter for the latest developments in Esports, Gaming, and more.

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Mon, 10 Jul 2023 11:56:51 +0530 chandni
Soleo Health Equipped to Fulfill Growing Need for FDA&Approved LEQEMBI™ (lecanemab&irmb) for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment Soleo Health, a pioneering leader and nationwide provider of specialized pharmacy services, has announced its readiness to meet the growing demand for the FDA-approved LEQEMBI™ (lecanemab-irmb) medication in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Following the drug's full approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Soleo Health is well-positioned to address the needs of patients prescribed THE GROUP™.

In January 2023, Soleo Health was chosen by Eisai Inc., a pharmaceutical developer, as the specialty pharmacy distribution partner for LEQEMBI, a highly anticipated anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody used to treat early stages of Alzheimer's disease, including mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease. With LEQEMBI now receiving full FDA approval, Soleo Health has expanded its clinical network and operations to accommodate the anticipated surge in demand.

Patients who receive LEQEMBI through Soleo Health can undergo treatment at any of the company's 35+ Ambulatory Infusion Centers (AIC) nationwide or in the comfort of their homes. The specialized care is provided by the Soleo Health Alzheimer's Therapeutic Care Management Center (TCMC), comprising interdisciplinary teams of experienced therapeutic care pharmacists, registered nurses, reimbursement specialists, and patient care ambassadors. Soleo Health's dedicated Alzheimer's disease TCMC is supported by its specialty pharmacy locations across all 50 states.

Drew Walk, the CEO of Soleo Health, expressed the significance of LEQEMBI in advancing Alzheimer's disease treatment and the company's commitment to meeting the growing demand. As a trusted partner, Soleo Health simplifies complex care and enhances medication accessibility for patients, collaborating closely with physicians, patients, and families throughout their LEQEMBI treatment journeys. Soleo Health's expertise in caring for patients with Alzheimer's disease, as well as rare and ultra-rare diseases, played a key role in its selection as the specialist pharmacy provider for LEQEMBI.

In addition to providing treatment at home and AICs, Soleo Health distributes LEQEMBI to prescription offices and infusion centers, further expanding its reach in delivering this vital medication.

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Fri, 07 Jul 2023 15:10:17 +0530 chandni
Morning Journal: Gathering Hope House Prioritizes Minority Mental Health, Hosts Open House Lorain, OH – Gathering Hope House, a peer-based community center in Lorain County, is taking proactive steps to address mental health issues among minority populations. In line with the US Prioritization program, which encourages businesses and organizations to prioritize mental health, the nonprofit aims to bring progressive and positive change to the community.

Program Director Sharquenta Richardson highlighted the need for sustained conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). She expressed concern that previous efforts lacked a comprehensive approach. "We want to help with progressive and positive change," Richardson stated.

The program, which will convene four times a month, incorporates a wide range of therapeutic modalities, including expressive arts therapy, psychoeducation, and mindfulness practices. The initiative is based on insights from the Lorain County Public Health's Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) evaluation. Disturbing statistics on issues like infant mortality, chronic disease, and substance abuse among African Americans and minorities motivated the organization to take action.

To maximize impact and address the alarming statistics, Gathering Hope House has sought partnerships with other organizations. "Funding can be very limited for nonprofits, which can sometimes force organizations to appear to be competing rather than working toward a common goal," Richardson explained. Key partners include the Nord Center, the Board of Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services (MHARS), NAMI Lorain County, The LCADA Way, Ohio Guidestone, and the Lorain County Urban League. Local government officials have also been approached to engage the whole community in tackling this issue.

An open house event is scheduled for July 26 from 5-7 p.m. at Gathering Hope House's location on 1173 North Ridge Road East, Suite 102. The event aims to attract interested participants and potential partners. It will provide an overview of the program and various resources available, offering opportunities for contributions to the cause.

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Thu, 06 Jul 2023 16:26:22 +0530 chandni
Ayurvedic Insights into Vitiligo: Holistic Treatment with Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Vitiligo, a complex skin condition that causes physical and psychological distress, has led to a growing interest in evaluating Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, for its effectiveness in managing the condition. Ayurvedic experts view vitiligo as a result of imbalances in the body's doshas, particularly pitta and bhrajaka pitta, which govern skin health.

During an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Amit Deshpande, Founder and Director at Activist, shared insights into Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo. He explained, "The approach involves balancing the aggravated doshas, detoxifying the body, and rejuvenating the affected skin. While Ayurveda categorizes most skin ailments as minor (kshudra) diseases, vitiligo (shwitra) is unique as it may involve systemic imbalances, despite primarily affecting the skin. It is considered a non-discharging condition and should not be confused with leprosy. Vitiligo affects both males and females equally, with approximately 1 to 2% of the global population experiencing its impact."

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Mon, 03 Jul 2023 14:13:58 +0530 chandni
Rural Health Education Center Aims to Close Healthcare Disparity Access to healthcare in rural areas has long been a challenge, with limited availability of providers. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Program is taking steps to address this issue by expanding the Arizona Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) to better serve underserved communities.

Effective July 1, the Center for Excellence in Rural Education (CERE) will become part of the Arizona AHEC, joining five other health education centers in the state. AHEC is a federally funded program aimed at enhancing the supply, distribution, retention, and quality of healthcare professionals in medically underserved regions.

Jennifer Smith, Executive Director of CERE, emphasizes the objective of bridging the healthcare gap by providing students with hands-on experience in rural clinics, hospitals, and primary care facilities, with the hope that they will be inspired to remain in these communities.

"We believe that, like us, they will develop a deep attachment to the community and eventually desire to practice in rural areas," she explained.

In contrast to urban healthcare settings where specialized care may be outsourced to other clinics, rural practices often serve as the sole healthcare providers for community members, sometimes spanning vast distances.

"Think of it as the kind of doctor you would find in the countryside who handles all types of cases," Smith described. "From delivering babies to addressing a troublesome mole on your arm, they handle a wide range of medical needs in rural communities."

Smith cites the example of residents who have to endure an hour-long drive on a dirt road before reaching a freeway, making access to quality care impractical. Limited access to healthcare poses significant risks.

"At the very least, their quality of life will continue to decline due to untreated illnesses. In the worst-case scenario, individuals may actually lose their lives due to unmanaged chronic conditions."

According to data from the Arizona Department of Health Services, as of last year, 82 out of Arizona's 126 primary care areas were considered medically underserved. This newly expanded center will specifically address the healthcare needs of Greenlee, Gila, and Graham counties, which encompass two high-need areas in the state—the White Mountain Apache Tribe and the San Carlos Apache Tribe.

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Fri, 30 Jun 2023 14:11:01 +0530 chandni
Steubenville's City Mental Health Court Receives Recertification | Latest Updates on News, Sports, and Employment In a recent announcement by Judge John Mascio, it has been confirmed that the Steubenville Municipal Court in Ohio has received recertification as one of only 40 mental health courts across the nation. The Ohio Supreme Court's reaffirmation validates the court's commitment to providing crucial resources and treatment to offenders diagnosed with serious or severe mental illnesses, which have played a role in their involvement with the criminal justice system. This recertification, extending until December 13, 2026, enables the court to continue fostering accountability, independence, and stability among participants, ultimately leading to reduced interaction with the criminal justice system and improved overall quality of life. Notably, the court also offers drug and alcohol treatment services to offenders.

Judge Mascio admitted to initially being hesitant about developing a specialized docket like the Mental Health Court. However, he has become an ardent supporter of the program since its inception in 2018, remarking that it has become his favorite part of the work week. Witnessing the transformative impact the program has on participants, he emphasizes the dedicated effort and hard work required, while expressing gratitude to former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Stratton for prompting a change in his perspective.

Stratton serves as the project director of the Ohio Initiative, which aims to reduce the number of individuals with mental illnesses in prisons across the state. The Growth Initiative, a part of this project, equips counties with data-based strategies to address mental illness and co-occurring disorders, such as alcohol and drug addiction, in local jails. Steubenville's Mental Health Court, limited to non-violent misdemeanor offenders, serves as a cornerstone of this effort, providing participants with a tailored program spanning at least one year. Weekly meetings with the court's treatment team, comprising court staff, community treatment providers, and other stakeholders, form an integral part of the program.

To obtain recertification, the local court underwent a rigorous process, including the submission of a comprehensive application and a visit from an observer appointed by the Ohio Supreme Court. The observer assessed compliance with certification standards introduced in January 2014, considering case law and specific program materials.

Since its initial certification on May 19, 2021, the Steubenville Municipal Court's Mental Health Court has referred 53 individuals to the specialized docket, boasting an impressive 78 percent success rate. Success is determined by participants remaining free of criminal offenses within one year of completing the program. Judge Mascio highlights that the program's achievements extend beyond individual participants, benefiting the entire community. By providing the necessary tools for a law-abiding and productive life, the program not only reduces court orders but also saves taxpayers significant expenses by avoiding the costs of incarcerating offenders, which amount to approximately $60 per day.

The program's coordinator, Lisa Hall, plays a crucial role in monitoring participants' treatment progress and offering recommendations to the treatment team. Importantly, the program operates on grant funding awarded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, incurring no costs for the city of Steubenville. Judge Mascio expresses the rewarding nature of the program for himself, the treatment team, and the participants. Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy of the Ohio Supreme Court commended the Steubenville Municipal Court for meeting the required standards, emphasizing the positive impact of their efforts.

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Wed, 28 Jun 2023 15:40:33 +0530 chandni
Hong Kong Shines a Light on Mental Health Following a Series of Violent Attacks Hong Kong has been rocked by a series of brutal attacks, shedding light on the dire state of mental health in a city grappling with limited resources and an overwhelming demand for adequate care. Advocacy groups are calling for urgent action to address the pressing mental health needs of the population.

While Hong Kong is known for its low incidence of violent crime, recent events have shocked the city. Two women were tragically stabbed to death in a bustling mall by an assailant with a documented history of mental illness. Shortly thereafter, a knife-wielding attacker severely injured a manager at a local McDonald's restaurant.

These incidents are not isolated cases. Earlier this month, a 29-year-old mother was arrested on suspicion of suffocating her three young daughters, and in February, four individuals were charged in connection with the killing of model Abby Choi, 28.

Our Hong Kong Foundation, a policy and advocacy group, warns that the mental health of over 7 million Hong Kong residents has deteriorated, while the public care sector struggles to provide sufficient support. Citing a World Health Organization well-being index and a 2022 study on widespread depression symptoms, the foundation emphasizes the urgent need for improved mental health services.

When questioned about the state of mental health, a city government spokesperson referred to a recent meeting organized to explore solutions and support for individuals suffering from severe mental disorders.

Experts in mental health highlight the compounding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of the 2014 pro-democracy demonstrations that led to chaotic periods and violent anti-government protests in 2019. Concerns over civil liberties, soaring living costs, income inequality, and the chronic housing shortage have contributed to mounting frustrations.

Judy Blaine, a researcher and mental well-being consultant, describes the situation as a "triple whammy" that has taken a toll on Hong Kong residents, leading to emotional exhaustion. Blaine points to a sense of insecurity and fear coupled with a lack of autonomy to address these issues, causing people to become increasingly defensive.

The severe shortage of healthcare workers further complicates efforts to tackle the crisis, according to health charities. Mind Hong Kong's Deputy Group CEO, Carol Liang, reveals that non-urgent cases face waiting times of up to 90 weeks within the Hospital Authority's system. Hong Kong has a mere 7.55 psychiatrists and 8.15 clinical psychologists per 100,000 people, significantly lower than the OECD averages of 18 and 53, respectively, as reported by Liang, referring to the global policy forum of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

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Tue, 27 Jun 2023 14:27:17 +0530 chandni
Examining the Interplay Between Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Social Factors in Health In the ongoing battle against diabetes, individuals face the daily challenge of managing comorbidities and raising awareness. While heart failure and chronic kidney disease often take the spotlight due to their immediate threats to mortality risk and quality of life, diabetic foot ulcers remain a significant concern. Despite progress in reducing amputation risks, foot ulcers continue to impact the well-being and survival of patients. The lifetime risk for individuals with type 2 diabetes to develop foot ulcers ranges from 19% to 34%, with millions worldwide affected each year. Social determinants of health play a role in exacerbating or alleviating this risk, underscoring the need for action.

During the 83rd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA 2023), experts engaged in discussions to address this issue. Diana Isaacs, PharmD, and Natalie Bellini, DNP, hosted several special episodes of The Diabetes Dialogue: Technology, Therapeutics, and Real-World Perspectives. Among their guests was Gary Rothenberg, DPM, an assistant professor and pediatrician specializing in internal medicine and director of Medical Affairs at Podimetrics. Podimetrics, a technology company based in Boston, Massachusetts, utilizes artificial intelligence and data to bridge the gap in care for patients.

During his appearance on the show, Rothenberg emphasized the importance of educating both patients and healthcare providers about the risks associated with foot ulcers in people with diabetes. He also highlighted how social determinants of health influence the likelihood of developing foot ulcers. In addition to his participation in the Diabetes Dialogue, Rothenberg led a session at ADA 2023 that explored the application of artificial intelligence in diabetic foot disease.

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Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:59:33 +0530 chandni
Countywide Expansion of Campaign to Eradicate Mental Health Stigma | Latest Updates on News, Sports, and Employment Opportunities The Anti-Stigma Coalition's Join the Conversation awareness campaign is set to expand into Chautauqua County, supported by a $7,000 grant from the New York State Office of Mental Health. This campaign aims to raise awareness about mental health and combat the stigma associated with mental illness, which often acts as a barrier preventing individuals from seeking the necessary help and treatment.

Having already implemented a comprehensive multimedia campaign in Erie and Niagara counties, encompassing broadcast, website, social media, digital advertising, email, and grassroots tools, the coalition has effectively disseminated its message. An independent polling organization has assessed the campaign's impact on community attitudes, revealing positive shifts in perceptions about mental illness and its treatment.

Carmelo Hernandez, Chautauqua County Director of Mental Health Services and Commissioner of Social Services, emphasized the importance of integrating mental health discussions into conversations and reaching community members through their preferred information channels. He expressed enthusiasm for the initiative, anticipating similar favorable outcomes witnessed in other counties.

The coalition's website and social media platforms actively engage the public, urging them to learn about mental health and take a pledge to combat the stigma surrounding mental illness. Over 3,985 individuals have already pledged their support. Additionally, the coalition provides valuable information on local resources and shares personal stories of triumph over mental health challenges.

Recognizing the need to reach Chautauqua County's 53,000 families, the coalition will utilize the grant funds to enhance digital and social media efforts, include county-specific resources on the website, create materials tailored to Chautauqua County, and organize outreach events.

The coalition's website,, serves as a hub for information about their work, the awareness campaign, and available resources for individuals in Chautauqua, Erie, and Niagara counties. Visitors can also find video testimonials from individuals who have faced stigma and successfully addressed their mental health concerns, alongside previously aired TV spots.

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Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:46:39 +0530 chandni
Improving Data Quality Essential for Addressing Health Equity During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers and healthcare stakeholders have faced challenges in promoting health equity due to gaps and inconsistencies in data. These limitations have impeded the measurement of disparities in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, a crucial aspect of combating severe illness. Issues such as the absence of standardized procedures and definitions for race and ethnicity data, as well as inadequate data sharing capabilities across systems, have hindered the accurate assessment of vaccine uptake disparities. Regional data has proven to be inconsistent and varied, while federal data, although consistent, utilizes outdated standards that prevent in-depth analysis and often lack crucial race and ethnicity information. To ensure fair and equitable policy decisions, it is crucial to establish comparable federal and regional data that minimizes the risk of data artifacts and enables effective resource allocation.

The impact of longstanding health inequities has been evident throughout the pandemic, with people of color disproportionately experiencing higher rates of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Recognizing this disparity, national vaccination distribution strategies aimed to provide equitable access, especially for communities of color. Analysis of national and state-level vaccination data segregated by race and ethnicity indicates a narrowing gap between White and minority populations since the vaccine rollout began. However, these broad trends mask significant local variations, making it difficult to implement targeted responses at the community level.

In spring 2021, an initiative was undertaken to create a regularly updated nationwide map depicting county-level vaccination coverage in the United States, disaggregated by race and ethnicity. However, challenges arose due to differences in reporting styles and incomplete data coverage across states, preventing a comprehensive view of county-level disparities on a national scale. Even among states where county-level data is available through public dashboards, significant gaps, limitations, and inconsistencies hinder the comparison of vaccination rates among different racial and ethnic groups within and across states. In this context, it is imperative to obtain comprehensive, granular data on race and ethnicity, not only for addressing COVID-19-related disparities but also for broader public health and healthcare initiatives.

County-level Disparities Highlight Variability in Racial Vaccination Rates

National and state-level vaccination data can obscure local disparities that have distinct underlying causes. By examining county-level estimates disaggregated by race and ethnicity, the most detailed geographic unit analyzed at a national level, significant differences in vaccination coverage become apparent. As of March 29, 2022, reliable data on county-level first-dose vaccinations among White and Black populations was available for 827 counties across 13 states, representing 40% of the population aged five and above, 31% of the White population aged five and above, and 40% of the Black population aged five and above in the United States. Due to comparability considerations, other racial and ethnic groups were excluded, emphasizing the need to address this omission.

In April 2021, vaccination coverage among the White population was 13 percentage points higher than among the Black population. However, based on our dataset as of March 2022, the vaccination gap had decreased, with the Black population lagging behind by 9 percentage points, consistent with national reports at that time. Nevertheless, county-level data reveals significant local variations. In most states, average vaccination coverage among Whites exceeded that of Blacks. However, exceptions exist, with states like Alabama, Georgia, and Oregon exhibiting higher average vaccination rates among Blacks. Among the counties in our dataset, 32% showed higher vaccination rates among Blacks compared to Whites (Exhibit 1). In 43% of counties, Whites had higher vaccination rates than Blacks, while the remaining 25% of counties demonstrated equitable vaccination rates for both populations. Even in states with pronounced inequities between Whites and Blacks, such as California, the differences between counties were

 more substantial than the statewide averages. These diverse disparities across counties underscore the necessity for tailored, localized strategies in addressing health inequities and highlight the inadequacy of a singular, national-level racial analysis approach, which oversimplifies the issue.

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Fri, 23 Jun 2023 13:57:57 +0530 chandni
Unilever's Health & Wellbeing Collective CEO Emphasizes a Shift in the Definition of Health Unilever's Health & Wellbeing Collective CEO Discusses Industry Trends and Expansion Opportunities

Jostein Solheim, the CEO of Unilever's Health & Wellbeing Collective, recently shared insights into the vitamin, mineral, and supplement (VMS) category and the changing landscape of health and wellness. Unilever's strategy has involved consolidating its seven VMS brands into a single entity by 2022. The collective includes popular household brands like Liquid IV beverage supplement, Olly vitamins, and Nutrafol, contributing to an impressive annual sales figure exceeding $1 billion.

Solheim highlighted the significant shift in consumer attitudes toward health, where individuals are taking more control and responsibility for their well-being. This change was particularly evident during the pandemic, with people actively engaging in discussions and seeking information from sources such as friends, family, social media, and personal research. The CEO emphasized that the conventional definition of health as merely the absence of disease no longer holds true. Instead, individuals now prioritize benefit-led personalization, seeking tailored solutions that align with their specific health journeys and beauty goals.

Regarding the development of the VMS category, Solheim identified several positive trends driving the industry. As people become more knowledgeable and gain access to diagnostic tools, the focus shifts toward meeting individuals at their current health status. For example, Nutrafol's approach involves understanding the internal factors that contribute to hair health and providing targeted solutions to support hair from within. Furthermore, the conscious consumer trend has emerged, with people showing strong engagement and support for brands that align with their values and contribute to meaningful causes.

Solheim also discussed the opportunities presented by the Chinese market. Unilever has ventured into China with its Olly and SmartyPants multivitamin children's businesses through cross-border e-commerce, and they recently launched Nutrafol in the country. China, being the second-largest VMS market after the US, offers significant potential for growth. Similarly, India is gradually becoming a traditional VMS market, with practices rooted in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. Solheim recognized the unique needs of both countries and the importance of tailoring health solutions accordingly.

When asked about competing with China's longstanding tradition of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Solheim explained that Unilever incorporates active ingredients and concepts from TCM into its products. The company simplifies these ingredients and applies them to specific verticals, such as beauty, skin, sleep, and stress, as exemplified by Olly. Unilever aims to provide consumers with accessible solutions while maintaining a connection to the rich heritage of Chinese medicine.

Regarding regulatory oversight, Solheim expressed support for measures that enhance consumer confidence and raise industry standards. He emphasized the need for a balanced regulatory framework, citing the US as an example where innovation and learning are not hindered by overly restrictive regulations. Solheim noted that certain markets struggle to foster innovation due to narrow regulatory frameworks, limiting the availability of new active ingredients, such as Ashwagandha.

Unilever's Health & Wellbeing Collective continues to navigate the evolving landscape of health and wellness, capitalizing on consumer-driven trends and expanding into promising markets while maintaining a commitment to quality and innovation.

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Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:43:53 +0530 chandni
Rise in Medical Expenses Causes UnitedHealth Stock Drop, Affecting Competitors UnitedHealth Shares Drop 5% as Company Warns of Higher Medical Costs in Q2, Affecting Competitors

UnitedHealth Group experienced a 5% decrease in its stock value before the market opened on Wednesday following a cautionary statement from the health insurer regarding an anticipated increase in medical expenses during the second quarter. The rise in costs can be attributed to a surge in non-urgent procedures among senior citizens, which were postponed during the pandemic.

The warning also had a negative impact on the shares of rival health insurance companies that had benefited from the postponement of non-essential surgeries like hip and knee replacements. Additionally, staffing shortages in hospitals contributed to a decline in the overall number of procedures.

During a Goldman Sachs healthcare conference, UnitedHealth highlighted a growing demand for outpatient medical procedures, particularly related to knee and hip treatments, among patients covered by Medicare health plans designed for individuals aged 65 and above.

Tim Noel, CEO of UnitedHealth's Medicare and exit business, stated that more seniors now feel comfortable accessing services they had previously postponed. This pent-up demand is expected to drive the company's medical loss ratio for the second quarter higher, potentially exceeding the full-year outlook range of 82.1% to 83.1%.

UnitedHealth also anticipates that its full-year medical loss ratio will fall towards the upper end of its initial forecast.

Morningstar analyst Julie Utterback noted that the reduced demand for procedures during the pandemic had largely benefited health insurers while negatively impacting hospitals and other healthcare providers.

UnitedHealth's trailing price-to-earnings ratio of 18.51 is higher compared to its competitors Cigna Corp (10.29) and CVS Health Corp (8.26).

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Thu, 15 Jun 2023 17:05:41 +0530 chandni
Addressing the Sedentary Lifestyle Crisis: Preventing Diabetes Among Goa Residents New Study Highlights Alarming Link Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Diabetes in Goa

A recent study published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology has shed light on a concerning connection between sedentary behavior and the prevalence of diabetes in the region. The research findings demonstrate that as individuals in Goa adopt increasingly sedentary lifestyles, characterized by prolonged sitting and a lack of physical activity, their risk of developing diabetes escalates significantly.

In line with global trends, Goan residents have witnessed significant shifts in their way of life in recent years. The rise of technology, greater accessibility to electronic devices, and transformations in work environments have contributed to a sedentary culture where people spend extended periods sitting. When combined with insufficient physical exercise, this sedentary behavior poses a grave threat to their overall health.

Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder, presents a formidable challenge to public health. The condition is associated with a range of complications, including heart disease, kidney issues, and nerve damage. The surge in diabetes cases observed in Goa serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for proactive measures to address this escalating health concern.

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Thu, 15 Jun 2023 16:33:41 +0530 chandni