Experts share insights on whether lifestyle tweaks effectively address adrenal PCOS.

Experts Discuss Lifestyle Approaches for Managing Adrenal PCOS

Experts share insights on whether lifestyle tweaks effectively address adrenal PCOS.
Lifestyle Approaches for Managing Adrenal PCOS

Adrenal PCOS, a specific form of polycystic ovary syndrome characterized by excess androgen hormone production from the adrenal glands, has been the subject of expert insights. Dr. Tanveer Aujla, a senior consultant at Motherhood Hospitals, explained that the hormonal imbalance resulting from this condition can lead to symptoms such as acne, irregular periods, weight fluctuations, and changes in hair growth patterns.

Dr. Aswati Nair, a fertility consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Delhi, emphasized that PCOS is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, leading to enlarged ovaries with small cysts forming on the outer edges.

Managing the excess male hormones associated with PCOS is crucial in alleviating its challenges, according to Dr. Shwetal Gadhavi, a senior consultant in preventive healthcare at HCG Hospitals, Ahmedabad. She advocated for a multi-faceted approach to tackling the condition, incorporating lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and adopting a balanced diet to regulate hormone levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

While complete control of male hormones may not be attainable, implementing measures such as diet, weight management, stress reduction, medications, and regular monitoring can help manage their effects and improve overall well-being, added Dr. Gadhavi.

Fertility expert Mahesh Jayaraman shared four essential tips for managing adrenal PCOS:

1. Engage in regular exercise, such as a 30-45 minute daily walk, to reduce insulin resistance and lower excess male hormone levels.

2. Adopt a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables while reducing junk food and excessive carb intake.

3. Drink spearmint tea at least twice a day to reduce the production of highly active male hormones. Green tea and ginger tea were also recommended for their antioxidant properties.

4. Eliminate plastics and xenoestrogens, found in food storage and cosmetics, from daily life to mitigate adverse health effects. Dr. Aujla cautioned against the potential harm caused by microplastics and phthalates commonly present in various products.

In conclusion, experts emphasize that addressing adrenal PCOS requires a comprehensive approach that involves lifestyle adjustments and thoughtful dietary choices to manage hormone levels effectively and enhance overall well-being.

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