"Small Business Owners in Ann Arbor to Benefit from Guaranteed Income Initiative"

Ann Arbor Implements Guaranteed Income Pilot Program to Support Small Business Owners

"Small Business Owners in Ann Arbor to Benefit from Guaranteed Income Initiative"
Ann Arbor Implements Guaranteed Income Pilot Program

Ann Arbor City Council has recently approved a pilot program aimed at providing a guaranteed income for 100 low and moderate-income small business owners in the area. Under the program, participants will receive $525 per month for a duration of two years. The funding for this initiative, totaling $1.6 million, is sourced from the American Rescue Plan Act. Advocates of the program believe that it will serve as a crucial safety net for financially strained families.

Linh Song, a member of Ann Arbor City Council representing Ward 2, spearheaded the guaranteed income program and recently discussed the city's rationale for its implementation. According to Song, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the disappearance of numerous small businesses, which significantly impacted the local community in Ann Arbor. Song emphasized that the program was a strategic use of funds meant to alleviate the pandemic's effects and provide relief to those in need.

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