EU to Utilize Advanced Underwater Technology for Ocean Study and Conservation

European Commission Launches TEUTA Program to Safeguard Oceans Using Innovative Technology
In a recent announcement, the European Commission revealed its new initiative, the Technology Enabler for Underwater Internet of Things Applications (TEUTA). The program aims to prioritize the protection and exploration of our invaluable oceans through cutting-edge technology.
Addressing the lack of exploration in our vast aquatic ecosystems, Vladimir Djapic, an innovation associate at the EU-funded TEUTA project, emphasized the significant funding directed towards space exploration, while our oceans remain largely unexplored.
To address this disparity, the EU intends to harness the potential of the Underwater Internet of Things (IoUT), an interconnected network of sensors and intelligent devices. By leveraging IoUT, communication in marine environments will be significantly enhanced, revolutionizing our understanding and preservation of the seas.