Top E-Bikes Catering to All Riders and Future Prospects of Chinese Electric Vehicle Manufacturers
Explore the Finest E-Bikes for Every Rider and Gain Insights into the Future of Chinese Electric Vehicle Makers

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India, a frontrunner in the transition to electric two-wheelers, is facing a setback as a popular government incentive undergoes a significant rollback, as reported by Jagmeet Singh.
In May, the Indian government revised its incentive program, reducing subsidies from $183 per kWh (up to 40% of the vehicle price) to $122 per kWh of battery capacity (up to 15% of the vehicle price). This alteration led to a sudden disruption in sales, with June witnessing a staggering drop of over 56%. This marked the lowest sales month in nearly a year.
The repercussions of this change extend beyond affecting consumers; it could potentially trigger industry consolidation and even force some players to exit the market. This serves as a reminder of how government subsidies play a vital role in facilitating the adoption of eco-friendly alternatives and stimulating the growth of emerging industries.