"Resourceful Cowboy Develops App to Safeguard VanMoof Bicycles from Theft, Comes to Owners' Rescue"
Belgian E-Bike Competitor, Cowboy, Rescues VanMoof Owners with App Amid Company Administration

Following the news of Dutch e-bike startup VanMoof's entry into administration, concerns arose regarding the fate of VanMoof bikes that heavily relied on the company's connected smartphone app. This app controlled essential features and functions, including the bike's ability to start. However, in the event of VanMoof servers going offline during administration, riders faced the prospect of owning e-bikes with limited functionality due to the absence of their software "key."
In an unexpected turn of events, Belgian e-bike competitor, Cowboy, has stepped in to provide a solution. They have released a user-friendly app called "Bikey," allowing VanMoof riders to generate their unique digital key and continue riding. The app is currently available on the Apple app store, with an Android version set to follow soon.
While acknowledging that the app is in its beta stage and may have some bugs, a Cowboy spokesperson emphasized the urgency of its release to ensure functionality while VanMoof servers are operational. VanMoof riders were advised to secure their digital key promptly since it would be impossible to retrieve it if the servers were to go down, resulting in restricted access to their bikes.
The spokesperson further emphasized Cowboy's commitment to keeping bikes on the road, irrespective of whether they belong to competitors. While there may be some potential negative optics for Cowboy regarding the connected e-bikes of a major rival becoming non-functional, the app release presents an opportunity for positive PR, showcasing their willingness to assist VanMoof customers.
However, the availability of an app developed by a rival company raises questions about VanMoof's responsiveness during the administration period, as they have largely ceased normal communication. Potential buyers or new financiers may face challenges in retaining VanMoof's customer base if they lose them to third-party apps.
It's worth noting that "Bikey" isn't the sole alternative, as the Moofer app also offers another third-party option for VanMoof owners to sustain their bikes' functionality, at least for the foreseeable future.